An historical archive of the year of the great flood.

If your utilities are still out the inspector should ask you if you are planning to stay or move while repairs are being made, this also goes for dmg to home… depending on how you answer that question would be the first step in continued housing assistance after completing your home inspection. If you have any questions about housing you should call 8006213362….. if you haven’t had your house inspection you can still receive the 2nd month just call the number above and they can explain to you what needs to be done.  Hope this helps! SW

Comments on: "Useful information from the G-man in the black caddy" (1)

  1. Jennifer Donnelly said:

    I was told that we need a letter from Tara or Water/Utility people regarding the extended period of time that the water will be out as a way to prove we “can’t” live at home in JT and need continued FEMA rent assistance…

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