An historical archive of the year of the great flood.

For qualifying Boulder or Broomfield County resident, Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) may be able to assist with rent, food, transportation, housing deposit, emergency hotel, eyeglasses, minor medical and dental costs, energy-related utilities like gas/electric/propane, ID and birth certificate fees.

Call 303.442.3042 to make an appointment for EFAA’s Boulder, Lafayette, Broomfield, or Nederland offices.

At your scheduled appointment, caseworkers will begin by collecting basic information, including who is in your household, where you live, and income information. Your caseworker will review a monthly budget to understand what expenses you have. We will use information from your budget to discuss the forms of assistance EFAA may be able to provide, in addition to a variety of community resources that may be of assistance.

Please do your best to bring the following information to your appointment:

  • Current proof of address (like a utility or phone bill or lease)
  • Photo ID
  • Current income verification
  • Estimate or documentation of financial request (for example, a lease, Demand for Payment, medical or dental work estimate, utility bill)

EFAA does not have funds to pay for phone, storage, medical/dental services already received, water, gas vouchers (except for clients in Emergency Shelter Program), legal costs, late fees, student loans, payday loans, travel expenses (plane/long distance bus service), cable/ internet, credit card bills, personal loans, highly controlled prescription drugs, car expenses, trash services, education fees (tuition, books, school supplies).

EFAA may direct you to an organization local to you for certain needs, depending on which town you live in. For clients with flood-related needs we may also be able to assist with storage, gas vouchers, or car repairs.

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